Opening price bid for packages A6 and A7 under Ben Luc-Long Thanh expressway project(Tuesday, 22/11/2016 15:27 GMT+7)

On October 21st, 2016, VEC Members’ Council issued the Decision on approval of the list of technically qualified bidders for package A6 (Km35+900-Km52+400) and package A7 (Km52+400-Km57+700) under Ben Luc-Long Thanh expressway project.

In which, there were 11 out of 20 bidders for package A6 and 11 out of 17 bidders for package A7 meeting the technical requirement.



Opening price bid for packages A6 

Opening price bid for packages A7 

On that basis, at 2:00 PM on October 24th, 2016, VEC organized price bid opening ceremony for packages A6 and A7 following ADB’s guideline on ICB without prequalification and one stage-two envelopes. These three packages are the remaining packages in 8 civil works packages funded by ADB. In this project, packages A1, A2-1, A2-2, A3 and A4 (western section) funded by ADB were commenced from May 2015.  

Nguồn: VEC