The Minister Dinh La Thang met leaders of Parsons Corporation (USA)(Tuesday, 04/08/2015 13:28 GMT+7)

In this afternoon (4th August), at the head office of the Ministry of Transport, the Minister Dinh La Thang had a meeting with leaders of Parsons Corporation (USA) relating to plan and projects on prioritizing development of airports, urban railway infrastructure in Vietnam.

Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng tiếp Lãnh đạo Tập đoàn Parson Hoa Kỳ

The Minister Dinh La Thang met leaders of Parsons Corporation USA

At the meeting, Mr. Thomas J.Haag - Vice President of Parsons Corporation introduced the size and activities of the Corporation.

"Particularly in the field of aviation, the Corporation provides services to more than 400 aerial ports, airports in 40 countries in the world. Experience in the aviation sector of the Corporation is very prominent. The Corporation provides lump-sump service from planning to study feasibility, design, deployment, monitoring and management "- Mr. Thomas J.Haag said.

Also at the meeting, Mr. Thomas J.Haag expressed his desire to be involved in long-term strategic management for countries as well as for Vietnam. The Corporation will collaborate with local companies, partners to promote the transfer of skills and technology in management process to optimize the effectiveness of the projects. Besides, the Corporation also wants to participate in other activities related to financing for infrastructure development.

Welcoming the leaders of Parsons Corporation for going to work at the Ministry of Transport, the Minister Dinh La Thang said: In the past 5 years, despite Vietnam's economy is strongly affected by the global economic crisis, Aviation sector maintains the average growth rate at 14% of passengers and 16-17% of goods. In 2014, total Vietnam air transport market reached 33.15 million passengers and 741 thousand tons of cargo. According to the International Air Transport Association, the aviation market of Vietnam stands 3rd in world growth.

Regarding exploitation, currently there are 53 foreign airlines of 25 countries exploiting Vietnam. The airlines are now operateing a fleet of more than 100 airplanes including 3 Airlines of Vietnam such as Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific and VietJet Air which are exploiting 56 international routes to 17 countries and territories around world. Currently, Vietnam has 22 aerial ports and airports which are operating in civil aviation, including 08 international aerial ports.

"To meet the development needs of the aviation industry, today we are calling for investment to synchronically, modernly upgrade existing international airports such as projects on construction of Quang Ninh airports, Chu Lai airport, Cam Ranh ... ", the Minister stressed.

According to the Minister, the railway field is now implementing North - South high-speed railway projects, urban railway routes in Hanoi City and Ho Chi Minh City. Some urban railway routes in these cities have been under construction.

"Demand for growing aviation infrastructure, airports and urban railways in Vietnam is huge. MOT welcome and will create the most favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest in these transport infrastructure projects. In particular, this year is the 20th anniversary of the normalization of relations between Vietnam and the United States, so that the US enterprises wanting to participate in the projects in Vietnam is significant for promoting the cooperation between the two countries", the minister said.

On that basis, the Minister suggested, Parson Corporation should work directly with the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam and the Vietnam Railways Administration as well as the relevant units to have specific information about the projects.