Transport sector is honored to receive the First-class Independence Medal from the People's Democratic Republic of Laos (Saturday, 22/08/2015 13:35 GMT+7)

In the jubilant atmosphere of the 70th Anniversary of traditional day and patriotic emulation congress of Transport Sector, in this afternoon (22nd August), the Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang had a meeting with the Minister of Public Works and Transport of Lao PDR Bounchanh Sinthavong.

Hội đàm song phương giữa Bộ trưởng Bộ GTVT Việt Nam và Bộ trưởng Bộ Công chính và Vận tải nước CHDCND Lào

Bilateral talks between Vietnam’s Minister of Transport and Minister of Public Works and Transport of Lao PDR

Thanking the Laos’ Minister of Public Works and Transport and the Missions for attending the annual bilateral meeting between the two ministries and the 70th year anniversary of the founding of Transport Sector, the Minister Dinh La Thang stressed: This visit strengthens the cooperation relationships on the basis of speacial friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng khẳng định mối quan hệ hợp tác chặt chẽ  và toàn diện giữa hai nước Việt Nam và Lào

Minister Dinh La Thang affirmed the close and comprehensive cooperation relations Vietnam and Laos

On behalf of the Leaders of Laos’ Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Minister Bounchanh Sinthavong thanked the leaders and staff of the Ministry of Transport as well as the relevant ministries and agencies of Vietnam side for supporting Laos in recent times. "The support of the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Laos is very timely," - stressed the Minister Bounchanh Sinthavong.

On that basis, the Minister Bounchanh Sinthavong suggested the Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport plans to have plan to use the land in Vung Ang port; discussed plan to hold a workshop on summarizing the cooperation between the two parties, where and what time; shared experiences on investment in the form of PPP, load control and maintenance of the road network.

At the talks, the two Ministers noted with satisfaction the more and more developing cooperation between the two Ministries, substantial travel and the depth on the basis of Vietnam - Laos special friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation. The two sides reviewed the cooperation status between the two countries in the field of transport and outlined cooperation duties in the future.

The two sides pledged to have closely strategic cooperation in all aspects of transport sector, enhance infrastructure connectivity and transport through border of both countries, in particular through the early signing of the " Vietnam-Laos Memorandum of transport cooperation strategy in 2016 - 2025 and vision to 2030"; organize Vietnam - Laos - Thailand Working Group Conference to unify the opening of fixed passenger transport route Ha Tinh - Khamuon - Nakhon Phanom and vice versa; formally open to traffic to implement the Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Memorandum on road transport in September 2015; in collaboration with the Korean side for early completion of the investment research for Vientiane – Thakhek – Tu Gia – Tan Ap - Vung Ang railway project.

Besides, the two sides coordinate closely in the pre-feasibility study of Vientiane - Pac San - Thanh Thuy (An) - Hanoi highway; the two sides work together to seek investment capital for transport projects linking both countries, such as the construction project from Phu-Thit-Phuong to Na-Xon, 1 part of Vientiane - Pac San - Thanh lobe (An) - Hanoi route..., enhance the exchange of expertise for all sub-sectors in the transport sector; Laos commits to facilitate the contractors and consultants in the process of implementation of projects in Laos.

In recognition of the contribution to the development of the transport sector of the two countries, on the occasion, Laos’ Minister of Public Works and Transport, Bounchanh Sinthavong, on behalf of Laos’ Government, awarded the First-class Independence Medal to the Collective of Ministry of Transport, Second-class Independence Medal to the Minister Dinh La Thang and First-class Labor Medal to the Deputy Minister Le Dinh Tho.

Thay mặt Nhà nước Lào, Bộ truởng Bộ Công chính và Vận tải Lào trao tặng Huân chương Độc lập hạng Nhất cho Tập thể Bộ GTVT


Thay mặt Nhà nước Lào, Bộ truởng Bộ Công chính và Vận tải Lào trao tặng Huân chương Độc lập hạng Nhất cho Tập thể Bộ GTVT

On behalf of the Lao PDR, the Minister of Public Works and Transport Laos awarded the First-class Independence Medal to the Collective of MOT

Thay mặt Nhà nước Lào, Bộ truởng Bộ Công chính và Vận tải Lào trao tặng Huân chương Độc lập hạng Nhì cho Bộ truởng Bộ Giao thông vận tải Đinh La Thăng

On behalf of the Lao PDR, the Minister of Public Works and Transport awards  Second-class Independence Medal to the Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang

Bộ truởng Bộ Công chính và Vận tải Lào trao tặng Huân chương Lao động hạng Nhất cho Thứ trưởng Lê Đình Thọ

The Minister of Public Works and Transport awards First-class Labour Medal to the Deputy Minister Le Dinh Tho

Here, the Minister Dinh La Thang expressed his emotion and thanked the Lao PDR government for awarding a prestigious award to the collective and individuals of transport sector, including the minister himself. Vietnam’s MOT will strive their utmost for the comprehensive development of the two countries, the two ministries.

Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng trao quà lưu niệm cho Bộ trưởng Bounchanh Sinthavong

The Minister Dinh La Thang gives souvenirs to the Minister Bounchanh Sinthavong