Further facilitating road, waterway transport activities crossing the border between Vietnam and Cambodia(Saturday, 22/08/2015 13:43 GMT+7)

This is the content of the talks between Vietnam’s Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang and Kingdom of Cambodia’s Minister of Transport and Public Works Tram Iv Tek, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the traditional day and patriotic emulation congress of Transport Sector in this afternoon (22nd August).

Hội đàm song phuơng giữa Bộ truởng Bộ GTVT Việt Nam và Bộ trưởng Bộ Giao thông Công chính Vương quốc Campuchia

Bilateral talks between Vietnam’s Minister of Transport and Cambodia’s Minister of Transport and Public Works

At the talks, the Minister Dinh La Thang thanked the Cambodia’s Minister of Transport and Public Works Tram Iv Tek and the Mission Group for attending the bilateral meeting between the two ministries and the 70th year anniversary of the founding of Transport Sector. During the talks, the two sides reviewed the cooperation between the two countries in the field of transport and outlined cooperation duties in the future.

The two ministers focused on the contents related to further facilitating road, waterway transport activities crossing the border between the two countries by early organizing the negotiations on Agreement on Strategy to connect Transport in the border area of Vietnam and Cambodia and Amendment of Protocol implementing the Vietnam - Cambodia Road Transport Agreement; formally opening to traffic to implement the Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Memorandum on land traffic in 9/2015; cooperate in promoting implementation of the checking one door one stop model at Moc Bai - Ba Vet international border gates; exchanging with Thailand side of the organization of passenger transport services by road and coastal transport connecting Vietnam - Cambodia - Thailand, and will report to the Government of the two sides for permission of 24 hours/day cross-border procedures for the gates implementing bilateral waterway transport agreement in the case that the enterprises propose to handle the documents which are sent in advance.

In addition to facilitating transport between the two countries, thereby contributing to economic and social development of the residents in border areas of the two countries in particular and Vietnam and Cambodia in general, the two sides also agreed to coordinate closely in order to complete Long Binh - Chrey Thom bridge project in 01/2016.

In recognition of the contribution to the development of the transport sector of the two countries, on this occasion, the Cambodian side also awarded the Medals of the Cambodian Royal Government to the Minister Dinh La Thang and Deputy Minister Nguyen Van The for having outstanding achievements in contributing to enhancing cooperation between the two ministries.

Trao tặng Huân chương của Chính phủ Hoàng gia Campuchia cho Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng, Thứ truởng Nguyễn Văn Thể

Awarding Medals of the Cambodian Royal Government to the Minister Dinh La Thang, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van The

Again, the Minister Dinh La Thang thanked the Cambodia’s Minister of Transport and Public Works and the Mission Group for visiting Vietnam and awarding the prestigious awards of the Cambodian Royal Government to him and Deputy Minister Nguyen Van The. "This is not only a personal honor of the Minister and Deputy Minister Nguyen Van The individually but also honor the transport sector in general in contributing to strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries; also it affirms to continue the best efforts for the development of the two countries, the two ministries "- Minister Dinh La Thang stressed.

Concluding the talks, Cambodia’s Minister of Transport and Public Works Tram Iv Tek said that the results of the cooperation between the two sides have come to fruition and he hoped to continue underpinning and developing in the future. The Minister invited the Minister Dinh La Thang and colleagues to visit and work in Cambodia at an appropriate time.