Minister Dinh La Thang received Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta(Tuesday, 25/08/2015 13:46 GMT+7)

In this afternoon (25th August), at the head office of the Ministry of Transport, the Minister Dinh La Thang received Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta Corporation (Japan). Leaders of Department of International Cooperation, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Personnel Organization, University of Transport and Communication attended the meeting.

Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng tiếp Tập đoàn Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta

Minister Dinh La Thang met Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta Corporation

At the meeting, Mr. Nakamura - Chief Executive of Construction Department of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta Corporation (NSSMC) introduced the Corporation's activities. Accordingly, established in 10/2012, NSSMC is the leading steel producer in Japan and ranked second in the world. NSSMC has markets in 25 countries around the world with high-quality steel products for automotive manufacturing, natural resources and energy sector, construction, railway and other construction fields.

"In Vietnam, NSSMC joins some projects implemented by the Ministry of Transport. In our possibility, NSSMC is always eager to supply materials with the demand of improving infrastructure environment of Vietnam", representative of the Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta Corporation emphasized.

To promote infrastructure projects in Vietnam, timely provide steel pipe piles to Vietnam market, in 2010 NSSMC built steel tube plant in Ba Ria - Vung Tau. Along with that, to promote cooperation, technical assistance relation with construction, design companies, in 2015 NSSMC opened representative office in Vietnam; University of Transport and Communication has adopted the Corporation's techniques to the transportation sector in Vietnam.

On that basis, NSSMC hopes to get the attention and support from the Ministry of Transport to the Corporation’s operations in Vietnam in the near future; at the same time sends invitation to the Minister and the concerned agencies and units of the Ministry of Transport to participate in scientific workshop on the achievements gained in recent years in the following 8th September co-organized by the Corporation and University of Transport and Communications.

Welcoming and appreciating the cooperation between Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta Corporation and University of Transport and Communication in developing markets as well as the application of new science and technologies in Vietnam, the Minister Dinh La Thang said that University of Transport and Communication is one of the leading technical universities specializing in transportation in Vietnam. The partnership between the University and the Corporation is a very good cooperation.

The Minister also praised the Corporation opening representative office in Vietnam to promote market development as well as apply high-tech to the works in Vietnam, including transport works.
"The Ministry of Transport commits to facilitate the Corporation as well as University of Transport and Communication in your cooperation to bring new technologies into applications in Vietnam. However, NSSMC also should take into account the characteristics of the weather, the traffic, the price issues to fit the market and ensure competitiveness in Vietnam", the Minister pressed.

The Minister said that organizing the Workshop to introduce the technology is necessary and relevant units should be invited so the workshop would be more efficient.

Tập đoàn Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta tặng quà lưu niệm cho Bộ GTVT

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Meta Corporation presents souvenir to MOT

Also during the meeting, on behalf of the University of Transport and Communication, Rector Tran Dac Su congratulated and handed a souvenir to the MOT celebrating 70 years on traditional day and patriotic emulation congress of Transport Sector.

Hiệu trưởng Trường ĐH GTVT Trần Đắc Sử trao quà lưu niệm cho Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng nhân kỷ niệm kỷ niệm 70 năm Ngày truyền thống và Đại hội thi đua yêu nước Ngành GTVT

Rector of University of Transport and Communication Tran Dac Su presents souvenir and congratulates the Minister Dinh La Thang