Vietnam Transport will connect to Eurasian economic corridor (Friday, 11/09/2015 23:59 GMT+7)

Speaking at ASEM Opening Ceremony (ASEM Symposium – Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network) on September 10, in Korea, Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang affirmed that Vietnam would create the best conditions to attract investments in transport infrastructure and logistics in direction of boosting connection of Vietnam economy with the region and the world.

Photo of Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang and Korean President Park Geun-hye and High-level Official of Transport

Vietnam will be a regional entrepoot

As one of main speaker at ASEM Symposium on Transport and Logistics Network, Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang concurred with development of Transport and Logistics Network among European and Asian countries which will be a bridge to promote cooperation in all the aspects between two continents.

As an zealous member of ASEM Symposium, recently, Vietnamese Transport has took positive part in programs and projects to strengthen Eurasian transport connection. Vietnam’s transport orientation and development plan are always close-knit and oriented toward development of continuous transport network in the region, in all the fields, such as: Road, Railway, Seaway, Airway....

ASEM Symposium on Transport and Logistics Network was held from September 9-12 in Seoul, Korea for purpose of reviewing, assessing status, difficulty as well as discussing about solutions to intensify support, cooperation, construction of a continuous Eurasian transport network. Together with the general session, there are special sessions to discuss about ground and air transport; Marine transport and toward a united Eurasian continent by favorable conditions and financing.

For example, in the road field, Minister Thang said that Vietnam has been making strong reforms at the border gates with one door – one stop model in order to save time and money for this activity, in combination with construction, finish of infrastructures to connect Vietnamese economic corridor with regional countries

In the aviation sector, Vietnam signed and joined more than 80 international treaties. Now, 53 foreign airlines from 25 countries are exploit routes to Vietnam. Vietnam Airlines are exploiting 56 international routes to 17 countries and territories around the world and they are planning to expand ...

In the field of logistics, Vietnam has about 1,200 enterprises and 25/30 world-top logistics corporations who are involved in investment, business. Furthermore this sector’s rating in Logistics Performance Index (LPI) has been continuously raised ....

“We will continue to build and improve our road, railway systems comprehensively as well as airports, international harbors so that they are not a gateway connecting Vietnam with other countries but also be a regional center of airway and marine transit. Also, we will negotiate, sign and perform the international treaties to facilitate transport and logistics activities for the enterprises”, said by Minister Dinh La Thang

To attract every sources of investment in transport, Head of the Transport sector also promised to create the best conditions continually to encourage the domestic and foreign organization, enterprises to drop investment in the infrastructure, transport and logistics as well.

“Borderless” transport

Speaking at the Symposium opening ceremony, South Korean President Park Geun-hye noted the concern of Governments as well as Heads of Transport sector with the aim of connecting the two continents. "Facilitating the transportation, logistics will help the enterprises and the economy to save and reduce costs. Therefore, we need to strengthen cooperation on the basis of simplifying administrative procedures; standardizing our regulations on inspection at the border gates; studying and lifting the barriers, "Mrs. Park Geun-hye appealed.

South Korean President’s appeal received the active advocate of high-level officials of the Transport sector who were present at the Symposium. After a day of zealous discussion, Heads of the transportation sector, experts, enterprises ... reached to a common voice with high degree of unanimity about some important issues, such as: Founding ASEM Transport Coordination Partner and Strengthening the activities of the Central Committee of ASEM to ensure continuity for the ASEM Transport Ministers' Meeting; Founding a Eurasian expert team who would work, and discuss frequently to identify cooperation measures to strengthen Eurasian connection, consisting of three groups: Group of logistics and transport modes; Group of transport facilitation and  cross-border cooperation; Group of finance.

“If necessary, these groups can organize mission teams to address specific issues. The new Eurasian group will cooperate with the existing ones, such as ASEM group of customs; or may meet with regional, international organizations such as WB, ADB, UIC, IRU ... ", underlined in the common statement.

EDCF wants to lift investment in Vietnam
In the afternoon of September 10, at the meeting with Presidents of Export-Import Bank of Korea (EDCF) Lee Duk-Hoon, Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang highly appreciated efforts of EDCF and especially of President Lee Duk-Hoon in the transport sector. With this bank’s cooperation, a number of projects were completed, such as Improve Highway No. 18, Vinh Thinh bridge and ITS system for HCMC - Trung Luong Expressway, Southern coastal corridor, phase 1. Both parties are also cooperating in a number of projects such as: Build Vam Cong bridge, Lo Te - Rach Soi route; Hung Ha bridge; Thinh Long Bridge ...
Minister Thang proposed EDCF to petition Korean Government to consider and offer finances to the important transport infrastructure projects in Vietnam such  as: Component 1A in Tan Van - Nhon Trach road project, Phase 1, Belt 3 - HCMC (managed by CIPM) worth US$200 million; Sectorial credit project for building the bridges connecting Highways (managed by PMU2): US$100 million; Khe Net mountain pass project (Km414 - Km423) Thong Nhat railway (US$85 million) ...
In consideration of concerns, closeness of  the Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang,  EDCF President Duk-Hoon Lee expressed the wish to strengthen cooperation with enterprises as well as the Ministry of Transport. He undertook to supervise preparation of technical assistance for projects funded by Korea in order to save costs and heighten the project efficiency.
The Embassy is a brigde to impulse investment, trade
In the afternoon of September 10, Minister  Dinh La Thang visited and worked with Vietnamese Embassy in Korea,  Pham Huu Chi, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Korea reported to the Minister that cooperation between Vietnam – Korea was increasingly tightened and deepened over time. South Korea is the second biggest bilateral donor (after Japan) for the transport sector in Vietnam.
The Minister noted the positive contributions of the Vietnamese Embassy in South Korea, to boosting relations between the two countries, strong development in investment, trade, tourism, culture ...
The transport sector has recently made efforts to improve. In 2014, World Economic Forum recognized increase by 24 scores compared with 2013. However, it still needs further efforts to improve management efficiency, operations, as well as to attract more investment resources to improve the transport infrastructure. "We hope that the Embassy continues to promote its role as a bridge to increase the effectiveness of cooperation between the two governments, including the transportation sector," the Minister said.