Undertaking to build a good environment attracting Korean enterprises (Thursday, 10/09/2015 10:06 GMT+7)

In the framework of the ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network (held from September 9 to 12 in Korea), on September 8, Minister Dinh La Thang worked with Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Yoo Il-ho, as well as many leaders of corporations in this industry, to extend cooperation opportunities for investment in the transport infrastructure development in Vietnam.

Minister Dinh La Thang visited and had a talk with Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Yoo Il-ho

Cooperation and pervasion

A typical example of cooperation in the Transport industry between Vietnam and Korea is Vinh Thinh Bridge project with total investment of USD137 million, funded by ODA from the Korean Government through The Economic Development Co-operation Fund (EDCF) and the counterpart fund of the Government of Vietnam.

Before the visit and work in Korea by Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang, Reporter of Transport Magazine visited this bridge. Mr. Nguyen Van Nam, a truck driver in Phuc Tho who transports agricultural products from Son Tay, Hanoi to Lao Cai border gate to export to China, said in the past he had to go through highway 32, highway 32C and then highway 2. However, since mid-2014, he could drive straightly from Son Tay through Vinh Thinh bridge to Vinh Phuc and then Hanoi-Lao Cai expressway. "Owing to Hanoi- Lao Cai expressway, Vinh Thinh bridge helps my journey to Lao Cai reduce a half of time, thus reduce expenses considerably," he told excitingly.

South Korea desires to cooperate comprehensively in the transport with Vietnam

At the bilateral discussion between the Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang with the Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Yoo Il-ho, Minister Yoo Il-ho invited Minister Dinh La Thang the 25th World Road Congress hosted by South Korea in next November; concurrently he suggested both parties to sign a comprehensive cooperation agreement in the transport. The two ministers also agreed to promote cooperation in the field of high-speed rail; intelligent traffic; public private partnerships; share of experiences, support in personnel training and management to effectively exploit the aviation market. Minister Thang was also committed to fully advocate this country to become a member of Organization for Co-operation between Railways (OSJD).


Mr. Nam is among lots of beneficiary people in the Western Hanoi when Vinh Thinh, the longest across-river bridge in Vietnam (5,487m) is opened.

It connects two axes towards Highway 32 and Highway 2, Noi Bai – Lao Cai expressway, creating a fully-constituted transport system, connecting Vietnamese Capital to the Northwestern provinces. Also, it links the satellite urban chains, the high-tech zones in Hanoi.

In bilateral talk with Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Yoo Il-ho, in the morning of September 9, a day before the opening session of the ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network hosted by this country, Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang highly appreciated the achievements in the cooperation between Vietnam and South Korea recently. In particular, the transport infrastructure development is the most eventful.

On behalf of Vietnamese Ministry of Transport of Vietnam, I would like to express our gratitude to the Government and people of South Korea for your support to us in the development of transport infrastructure. Among those, some cooperation projects between the two counties have been completed and put into operation, positively contributing to our socio-economic development, especially Vinh Thinh bridge project", the Minister said and stressed, “Vietnam desires to receive further cooperation, construction assistance from Korean Government to develop our transport infrastructure”.

Minister Yoo Il-ho also appreciated the initiatives of the Minister Dinh La Thang to boost up the investment and development in the infrastructure over the years. He said, whereby many Korean companies are seeking investment opportunities in Vietnam transport infrastructure and now many enterprises are eligible and desire to take a part in this industry.

The best support for the enterprises to meet the quality and schedule


Minister Thang acclaimed, appreciated Korean enterprises to join in the investment, cooperation and contracting in the key transport projects in Vietnam. This view was also affirmed by the head of the transport sector frankly, openly at a meeting with leaders of a number of corporations such as GS E&C; Sambo; Halla in the afternoon of the same day. However, he also called these corporations’ attention to strengthen their reputation, brand in those projects through progress, safety and quality.

Minister Dinh La Thang and delegation of Ministry of Transport