Minister Dinh La Thang greets Leaders of Rolls Royce Power System (Tuesday, 08/09/2015 16:55 GMT+7)

In this afternoon (8th September), at the head office of the Ministry of Transport, the Minister Dinh La Thang received Mr. Heinz Bruckmann – Director of Continental engine systems and Mr. Alexander Tesch – Director of Marine propulsion systems of Rolls Royce Power System.

Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng tiếp Lãnh đạo Công ty hệ thống động lực Rolls Royce

Minister Dinh La Thang received Leaders of Rolls Royce Power System

At the meeting, Leaders of Rolls Royce Power System introduced their areas of operation to the Minister. Accordingly, through exclusive distributor in Vietnam, Rolls Royce has been supplying engine systems for high-speed trains, ships of marine police force and fisheries inspection force as well as engines for locomotives of the Vietnamese railways and backup generator system for key projects.

Also at the meeting, Rolls Royce Power System Leaders exchanged their points of view with the Minister about some potentials and opportunities for the collaboration between Rolls Royce and the Ministry of Transport in the future. Besides, Rolls Royce wanted to expand the cooperation in technical human resource training oriented research training, vocational training and technical training for Vietnam staff.

Expressing the gratitude to the guests for visiting and working at the Ministry of Transport, the Minister Dinh La Thang highly appreciated the cooperation between Rolls Royce and the enterprises of Vietnam, especially Vietnam Airlines during the past time in exploitation of aircraft engines

"MOT always supports and creates the most favorable conditions to the relationship and cooperation between Rolls Royce and Vietnam Airlines in particular and the businesses under transport sector in general and hopes that the two sides will build a strategic partnership to have long-term policy  for mutual development ", stressed by the Minister.