Vietnam will be the regional (Thursday, 10/09/2015 09:52 GMT+7)

Speaking at Opening Ceremony of ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network in the morning of September 10 in Korea, Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang said Vietnam would continue to build and upgrade the transport and logistics system overall so that it is not only a gateway to connect Vietnam with other countries but also serves as a regional aviation, maritime entrepoot.

Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang at the ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network

Vietnam: Logistics index increased by 5 scores

ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network (9-12/9), in Seoul, South Korea aims at reviewing, assessing status, difficulty and discussing about solutions to intensify support, cooperation and to boost development of uninterrupted Eurasia transport network.

Cooperation to improve the regional transport and logistics will facilitate global trade through cost reduction for logistics and contribution to global economic growth by stabilizing commodity prices.

Together with the general session, there are special sessions to discuss about ground and air transport; Marine transport and toward a united Eurasian continent by favorable conditions and financing.

Judging that demand on a smooth transport and logistics network in Eurasia will be a bridge to promote all aspects of cooperation between the countries in the two continents, Minister Dinh La Thang welcomed and appreciated the initiative of the host country, Korea who held the Symposium to discuss about issues, difficulties as well as offer solutions to boost up the Transportation and logistics network in this region.

Minister Dinh La Thang said, as one of the active members of the ASEM Symposium, for the last time, Vietnamese Transport has been actively involved in programs and projects to strengthen Eurasian transport connection. Transport orientation and development plan of Vietnam are always coherent and toward an uninterrupted transport system in the region, thereby directly and indirectly connecting to Eurasian transport system..

In the road sector, Vietnam has now been completing many transport infrastructure projects connecting its economic corridors with its neighbors as well as connecting to ASEAN road system. Vietnam also connects regional transport actively through strong administrative reform at the border gate with “one door – one stop” model; coordinating with other countries to open cross-border transport routes in the frameworks of bilateral and multilateral cooperation as GMS, CLV, CLMV ...

In the railway sector, Vietnam and China maintain railway line between the two countries. Vietnam has been completed Singapore - Kunming railway together with the ASEAN countries. "Recently, with the support of the South Korean Government, we have conducted a feasibility study on the railway line connecting Vietnam's Vung Ang port to Vienna Vientiane capital of Laos and invited investment in the railway from Ho Chi Minh Chi and Phnompenh capital of Cambodia. Besides, Vietnam is also active in the activities of the Organization for Co-operation between Railways (OSJD) ", the Minister said.

In the aviation sector, Vietnam signed and joined more than 80 international treaties. Now, 53 foreign airlines from 25 countries are exploit routes to Vietnam. Vietnam Airlines are exploiting 56 international routes to 17 countries and territories around the world. Being the first airline in the world using two types of most modern airplanes Boeing 787 and Airbus A350, Vietnam Airlines is planning to open new flight routes to many other destinations in Europe, such as Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam…


Minister Dinh La Thang  and South Korean President Park Geun-hye
and Ministers of Transport of European – Asian countries attending the Symposium

In term of maritime sector, Vietnam joined in 21 treaties and international protocols and signed Bilateral Maritime Agreements with 24 nations; and signed the agreement for recognition of qualification for seamen with 27 countries and territories, including many European countries. Vietnam established maritime trade relation with European countries like Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Czech, Denmark, Sweden, Norway.

In the field of logistics, Minister Thang said that Vietnam has about 1,200 enterprises and 25/30 world-top logistics corporations who are involved in investment, business of logistics in different ways. In 2014, in regard to rating Logistics Performance Index (LPI) of World Bank, Vietnam ranks the 48/160 countries in the study (6 scores increased) and ranks the 4th of ASEAN countries.

“Through performance of commitments and agreements upon opening market, Vietnam is also liberalizing logistics services aiming at safety control and cost reduction", Minister said.

Demand on transport, logistics connection between Vietnam - ASEM is urgent

As Vietnam signed Free Trade Agreement with the Customs Union of Russia - Belarus - Kazakhstan (VCU FTA) as well as basically completed negotiations upon the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union (EVFTA) recently, Minister Thang said that the demand on transport and logistics connections between Vietnam and Eurasian countries was becoming more necessary than ever.

In coming time, Vietnam along with ASEAN countries will zealously intensify formation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) through which a bridge is built to promote Eurasian transport connection.

“Besides, we will continue to build and upgrade the road, railway, international airports, harbors so that they are not only the gateway to connect Vietnam with other countries but also the regional aviation and maritime entrepoot.

In addition, to expand the transport network with the Eurasian countries, Vietnam will enter into negotiations, sign and implement the international treaties in order to facilitate transportation and logistics of the enterprise, whereby contribute to build a smooth transportation and logistics system.

Minister Dinh La Thang at ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network (9-12/9),  Seoul, Korea

With huge demand for development of transport and logistics infrastructure, in conditions of limited domestic resources, the Head of the transport sector suggested the international financial institutions like the World Bank, ADB ... and the countries continuing to actively support Vietnam with funds to develop its transportation infrastructure.

Minister Dinh La Thang at the reception party held by South Korean Prime Minister (in the right hand)

"We also encourage foreign businesses including Eurasian enterprises to invest in transport infrastructure projects in Vietnam in every form, especially the PPP. In recent years, we have studied to better our legal system relating to PPP investment model in Vietnam, whereby enhanced transparency, facilitation and encouragement for foreign businesses to invest in transport infrastructure of Vietnam by this model”, he underlined.

South Korean President Park Geun-hye: Shall establish a regional group of transport and logistics experts

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Symposium, South Korean President Park Geun-hye said that Eurasian connection is one of the desires of many countries in the two continents. Facilitation in the transport and logistics helps to reduce costs for the enterprises and the economy. Therefore, we need to strengthen cooperation on the basis of simplifying administrative procedures; standardization of inspection regulations at the border gates; research and removal of barriers...

Notably, President of the host country proposed and advocated establishment of an ASEN group of Transport and Logistics experts. Korea will be the first host of group meeting, which is expected to occur in middle of year 2016.

“Between South Korea and North Korea, there is a railway project linking Korea to Russia and European countries. When this railway is connected, it will generate commodity flows between the South and North Korea to the regional countries" President Park Geun-hye said.