VDS (Canada) proposes a pilot project on technological solutions to ensure security at Noi Bai international airport(Tuesday, 08/09/2015 13:53 GMT+7)

In this afternoon (8th September), at the head office of the Ministry of Transport, the Minister Dinh La Thang received Mr. David Devine - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada in Vietnam and Vice President in Business Development of Visual Defence Services (VDS) Anatolii Mukhin on airport security measures.

Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng làm việc với Đại sứ Đặc mệnh toàn quyền Canada tại Việt Nam David Devine

Minister Dinh La Thang working with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada in Vietnam, David Devine

Thanking the Minister for taking the time to meet the Mission Group, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada in Vietnam, David Devine, said that VDS is a company that specializes in security solutions for airports. In recent time VDS has promoted the relations with the partners of Vietnam, especially in the field of security for airports.

"VDS’s proposal will be submitted to the Good Ministry today expressing the views on future cooperation. This proposal also represents an effort to deepen the economic cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Canada, and is a sequel in the bilateral exchange session held on last July between the two countries." The Ambassador stressed.

Proposing the project on technological solutions to ensure security at Noi Bai international airports, VDS’s Vice President in business development, Anatolii Mukhin, stressed that last year was an extremely important year for the company - the first year operating in Vietnam. According to the company, over the years Vietnam has grown well in aviation, the number of passengers has increased rapidly and this raises the need for increasing security for airports.

VDS has the opportunity to survey and work at Noi Bai international airport to present the original proposal for this project. The proposal bases on actual data with the purpose of enhancing security for airports. This proposal should not require financial contribution from Vietnam side.

"The proposal launched by VDS aims at building security system with the latest and most modern technology, building Noi Bai international airport to become a secured and safe airport not only in the region but also in the world, meeting the highest standards of aviation." Mr. Anatolii Mukhin said.

VDS (Canada) đề xuất thí điểm dự án giải pháp công nghệ đảm bảo an ninh tại Cảng HKQT Nội Bài

VFS (Canada) proposed pilot project on technology solutions to ensure security at Noi Bai international airport

General Director of Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV), Mr. Le Manh Hung, said that the company, in collaboration with VDS, has examined and given the plan which was proposed by the Company for the overall security of aerial ports, airports.

"VDS proposes to implement the project under BOT for 25 years. The total initial investment of phase 1 for technology solutions to ensure security at airports is $105 million, and every 5 years to upgrade and maintain the system with a total of about $105 million more. Thus, the total investment proposed by VDS is $210 million. In terms of fund the investor will bear. And in terms of exploitation, VDS will train and ensure the exploitation for us "Mr Hung said.

Welcoming and highly appreciating the attention of the Ambassador David Devine and Canadian businesses to the investment and cooperation with Vietnam, including the Transport Sector, the Minister Dinh La Thang expects that in his terms of office, the Ambassador will continue promoting the cooperation between Vietnam and Canada for more and more development; while promoting the cooperative relations between Canadian and Vietnamese businesses.

According to the Minister, Vietnam today is a developing country, the demand for investment, development in traffic infrastructure is enormous. In particular, the aviation sector has high annual growth rate and is assessed by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as country with the highest aviation growth rate in the region. Therefore, the work of aviation security, safety is the No. 1 target under the direction and attention of the Government and the Ministry of Transport..

Welcoming VDS’s proposal on investing security system at Noi Bai international airport, the Minister said: Noi Bai international airport is an important gateway port of Vietnam. "However, at the present we have assigned ACV to manage and exploit the airports in Vietnam. I recommend VDS to work directly with ACV and Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam to reach a consensus on the proposed project. MOT will create the best possible conditions for the stakeholders" said the minister.

The Minister also added that, the investment under BOT launched by VDS is recommended by the Government and the Ministry of Transport. However, VDS and ACV as well as the relevant units should continue to exchange more specifically about charging time and fees, charges. Because the current fees applied by ACV and the fees proposed by VDS are rather distant.