Sebrina Holdings (Singapore) interests in Vietnam’s seaport projects(Thursday, 03/09/2015 13:50 GMT+7)

In this afternoon (3rd September), at the head office of the Ministry of Transport, the Minister Dinh La Thang received Mr. Nasrat Muzayyin - CEO, Co-founder of Sebrina Holdings Ltd (Singapore) and Leader of Hanel One member Co., Ltd

Minister Dinh La Thang met CEO of Sebrina Holdings Ltd

Congratulating the MOT for the 70th year Anniversary of the traditional day and patriotic emulation congress of Transport Sector, Mr. Nasrat Muzayyin – CEO of Sebrina Holdings Ltd expressed desire to seek more opportunities for cooperation between the Group and MOT in the future.

CEO Nasrat Muzayyin said the Group has experience in the energy sector, and is interested in transport projects related to energy. Besides, Sebrina Holdings Ltd also expresses their interest in seaport construction projects in Vietnam.

Thanking the Leader of Sebrina Holdings Ltd for visiting and working with the MOT, the Minister Dinh La Thang said that Vietnam needs to make breakthroughs in various sectors in which transportation infrastructure is seen as a bottleneck.

“For Vietnam to become an industrialized towards modernized country, transportation infrastructure should take a step ahead. Currently, we are mobilizing all resources at home and abroad to invest in and develop transport infrastructure. Hanel is one of our partners involved in the investment and management of transport infrastructure in Vietnam ", stressed the Minister

On that basis, the Minister highly appreciated the interest of foreign investors, including Sebrina Holdings Ltd. and pledged to create favorable conditions for the investors to have access to essential information about the projects to research, invest and develop transport infrastructure in Vietnam.

For the issues that the Group exchanged, the Minister said that the transport infrastructure projects have less involvement with energy field. However waterway projects involve a combination of dam and hydropower development associated with water transportation. There is a waterway project in the north of Red River now, if possible the Ministry of Transport can introduce to the Group for research and review.

"In the field of seaport, the largest ports have basically finished investment. If the Group has interest, the Ministry of Transport may refer to the Group to learn about Van Phong port project (Khanh Hoa) and some other ports, "the minister said.

Bộ trưởng Đinh La Thăng chụp ảnh lưu niệm cùng với Lãnh đạo Tập đoàn Sebrina Holdings Ltd

Minister Dinh La Thang takes photograph with the Leaders of Sebrina Holdings Ltd and Hanel Company

Sebrina Holdings Ltd is one of the potential strategic investors for Hanel One Member Co. Ltd in implementing infrastructure, technology and finance projects in Vietnam.